28/06/2015 - Type of event: Public
Vespa & Lambretta gathering, classic moto. Start at Olgiate Olona.
Break at 11:00 at the museum in Tradate, later the Vespa and Lambretta group goes on to Olona Valley along with a classic car regularity rally. Lunch, games and award cerimony will follow.
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With charity purposes gli amici del Gamba, AdG, Le Classiche Auto Club Buscate, la Protezione Civile, Scooter Club Insubriaconi, Club della Cascina di Samarate will take part to the event.
Register to the Vespa and Lambretta gathering, it starts Sunday June 28 at 9:00 in Olgiate Olona, you can join us with your own vehicle. You can also come to the museum around 11:00.
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